Is retractable post dangerous?
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Is retractable post dangerous?

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-12-02      Origin: Site


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Is retractable post dangerous?

Many pavilions are close to the road. Among them, there are a large number of retractable posts. However, the solid retractable posts that are not under the eaves are mostly rusty, at least the gloss is dim. Among them, the polished retractable posts near the grass and even the base have been a little shaken, making the passengers worried a lot.


Here is the content list:

  • Are these retractable posts harmful?

  • How to select high-quality retractable posts?

  • How to install retractable posts properly?


Are these retractable posts harmful?

The author believes that the answer to this question is already in your mind. However, if the retractable posts are really made of genuine stainless steel, how can they rust so easily?

It is understood that more and more people now use retractable posts to decorate their homes, making stainless-steel retractable posts very hot, many processing shops have started about retractable posts. However, due to fierce competition, a small number of stores used shoddy materials in order to profit from it.

The prices of retractable posts of different sizes and thicknesses vary greatly, but the buyers themselves do not know how the sellers measure them. Therefore, the prices and the quality of retractable posts depend on the manufacturers, and it is difficult for the citizens to distinguish.


How to select high-quality retractable posts?

We must carefully consider when choosing to install retractable posts, choose reliable quality products, and ask professional ones to install them. The most installed ones are probably made of stainless-steel pipes. The quality of stainless-steel retractable posts can be seen from two points:

  • National Standard for stainless-steel retractable posts

National standards require that stainless-steel retractable posts must contain a certain amount of nickel and chromium, so as to ensure that the retractable posts are not rusty. The price of inferior retractable posts with very low nickel content is only half that of the national standard stainless-steel pipe, but it is far inferior to the national standard stainless-steel pipe in terms of rust resistance and robustness.

Since stainless steel generally does not have a model number on the market, it is difficult to judge the quality of stainless steel. Therefore, many small processing households in the market use low-quality stainless-steel pipes to pretend to be good-quality stainless steel. This is the trap of non-GB retractable posts.

  • Thickness of stainless-steel retractable posts

The thickness of the stainless-steel pipe also determines the compressive resistance and firmness of retractable posts. Naturally, the thicker the pipe, the stronger it is. The difference in thickness is 0.1mm and the compressive capacity differs by hundreds of kilograms. And for every 0.1mm less thickness, the cost per square meter will drop by 20-30 yuan. No wonder why those thick ones are so cheap!


How to install retractable posts properly?

The installation of retractable posts is generally done by the provider of retractable posts. Therefore, when selecting retractable posts, you must choose a quality-guaranteed business, and professional installers should complete the installation. Pay attention to personal safety during installation to ensure the plot of the scene. When installing polished retractable posts, some manufacturers or residents may cut corners on materials in order to reduce costs. This is absolutely unfeasible. Both businesses and users must install them according to standards.

Therefore, we recommend that you choose our products. Our website displays various awards and certificates we have won, which guarantees our professionalism and can provide you with the best after-sales service and the fastest installation service of innovative retractable posts.


Zhuhai Laicozy Import&Export CO.,LTD. not only quickly achieved the top of the industry in terms of hardware functions, but also through leading technological innovation capabilities, to a new height of user experience, and empower the industry with a huge imagination. It is precisely because of the future-oriented strategy that we have been ahead of the traditional retractable posts.


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